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Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Wednesday's Backs and Lays (19th March)

An overall profit of 40.15 yesterday let's hope for another profitable day, anyway here's today's lists: 

2.20* 3--2 
2.35* 2--4 
2.50* 3--1 
3.05* 4--3 
3.20* 1--2 
4.07* 1--3 
4.42* 2--5 
5.00 3--6 
5.25 1--6 
5.35 2--5 
6.30* 1--5 
7.00 1--2 
7.30 9--4 
8.00* 2--7 
8.30* 2--1 


4.52 Captain Kinsella 
5.00 Typhoon Flyer 
6.00 Gozo 6.30 Barnaby 


Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Tuesday's Backs and Lays (18th March)

Here's today's lists: 

2.15 1--2 
2.30 1--3 
3.00 2--4 
3.17 3--2 
3.35 4--5 
4.10 2--5 
4.55 5--4 
7.30 1--11 


2.30 Geryville 
3.00 Parisian Fashion 
4.10 Rickety Gate 
8.00 Freak Encounter 


Thursday, 13 March 2025

Thursday's Backs and Lays (13th March)

A profit of 8.80 yesterday so no complaints and the method seems to be working even when there's no Lays to counterbalance things and there isn't any Lays again today, anyway here's today's list: 

2.22 1--6 
3.20 3--6 
3.42 2--4 
5.00 6--10 
5.05 7--1 
6.30 3--4 
8.00 1--2 
8.15 1--5 


Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Wednesday's Backs and Lays (12th March)

A tenner profit from the 2H method and an overall of 17.43 lets hope for another profitable day, anyway I've not been sent any lays so far today's and I doubt I will get any now so here's today's 2H list: 

1.20 1--10 
1.38 7--1 
2.00 1--3 
2.18 2--1 
3.20 1--2 
4.18 9--1 
5.05 1--2 
5.45 4--8 
6.00 4--9 
6.15 2--3 
6.30 2--8 
7.15 1--2 


Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Tuesday's Backs and Lays (11th March)

Sorry for slow upload (1:48). 

A nice profit of 23.10 from the 2H method, it's the 1st day of the festival so let's hope for another profitable day, anyway here's today's lists: 

1.38 2--3 
2.18 1--2 
3.38 1--3 
4.00 2--6 
4.18 4--1 
4.30 6--8 
4.53 3--4 
5.30 5--2 
6.30 1--4 
6.45 2--6 
8.00 4--8 


1.20 Romeo Coolio 
2.40 Henrys Friend 
5.20 Transmission 


Monday, 10 March 2025

Monday's Backs and Lays (10th March)

With no Lays yesterday we had a profit of 13.70 so no complaints and it looks as though there's no Lays again today (everywhere is gearing up for Cheltenham, I've got 10 favs over 3 days I've not been given anything for Thursday) ... anyway here's today's list: 

1.50 1--3 
2.40 5--3 
3.30 1--6 
3.50 6--7 
4.30 2--4 
4.40 5--6 
4.50 7--1 
5.30 1--2 


Sunday, 9 March 2025

Sunday's Backs and Lays (9th March)

An overall profit of 8.72 yesterday but the Lays let things down again anyways heres todays list (I haven't received any Lays): 

2.20 3--1 
2.50 6--5 
3.20 7--1 
4.23  7--1 
5.10 5--3 
5.20 2--8 
5.30 11-13 


Saturday, 8 March 2025

Saturday's Backs and Lays (8th March)

A profit of 17.60 from the 2H method but the Place lays all let me down giving an overall loss of 24.55 for the day let's hope for a nice profit today, anyway here's today's lists: 

1.42 2--1 
2.10 5--3 
2.17 6--3 
2.35 12--6 
2.40 17--7 
3.35 5--4 
3.45 2--1 
3.55 3--8 
4.55 13--11 
5.00 7--3 
5.35 8--7 


1.50 Georges Lad 4P 
3.00 Dream Shadow 3P 
3.35 Java Point 2P 
4.45 Classic Anthem 3P 


Friday, 7 March 2025

Friday's Backs and Lays (7th March)

An overall profit of 46.81 yesterday which puts things just about level for the month, anyway let's hope for more of the same or better from today's lists: 

2.40 3--4 
3.45 4--1 
4.50 8--1 
5.03 3--1 
7.15 4--2 


2.20 Nine Nine Nine 
2.40 In Limbo 
3.45 Joe Cotton 
4.50 Sweet Caryline 


Thursday, 6 March 2025

Thursday's Backs and Lays (6th March)

Sorry posting late (3:15)

Oooops a bad day yesterday with an overall loss of 41.89 plenty of time to turn things around, anyway here's today's lists: 

2.10 7--10 
3.50 1--2 
4.10 2--3 
4.30 1--4 
4.40 2--4 
7.30 1--3 


2.50 Morning Air 
3.40 SWhats One More 
4.50 Eileens Milan 
5.20 Sasissante